Policies & Procedures

Mountain Green Kids Club Policy Page

"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be."
-Shel Silverstein

To review our State required Procedures and our Emergency & Disaster Plan, please click HERE

Discipline Policy- 

Our Motto: If you allow it, you encourage it.
DEFINITION: Training to ensure proper behavior: the practice or methods of teaching and enforcing acceptable patterns of behavior. 

·        1. Caregivers shall use positive discipline, which shall include the following:
·        a. Communicate to children using positive statements.
·        b. Encourage children with adult support, to use their own words and solutions in order to resolve their own interpersonal conflicts.
·        c. Communicate with children by getting down to their eye level and talking to them in a calm quiet manner about what behavior is expected.
·        d. Example, if a child is throwing blocks, even after being reminded of the rule, he or she can be required to leave the block area and choose a different activity for now.

·        1. Any person, while on child care premises, shall not engage in any of the following actions toward children:
·        a. Inflict corporal punishment in any manner upon a child’s body.
·        b. Hit, spank, beat, shake, pinch, or any other measure that produces physical discomfort.
·        c. Cruel, harsh, unusual, humiliating, or frightening methods of discipline, including threatening the use of physical punishment.
·        d. Placement in a locked or dark room.
·        e. Public or private humiliation, yelling, or abusive or profane language.
·        F. Staff shall not associate disciplinary action or rewards with rest, food, or toileting.

·        1. This Policy shall be distributed to parents and staff.
·        2. Caregivers shall have ongoing communication between home and day care regarding all aspects of the care of the child.
·        3. Caregivers shall document any history of recurring discipline problems and subsequent formal parent conferences in the child’s record.
·        4. In cases of recurring or severe misbehavior, parents will be contacted so that we may work things out together. If the misbehavior continues the Director may place the child on a two week probationary period. If the situation does not improve, or a plan cannot be implemented for improvement during the probationary period, parents will have one week to withdraw their child from the Day Care.

State Law:
·        (1) The provider shall inform caregivers, parents, and children of the center's behavioral expectations for children.
·        (2) The provider may discipline children using positive reinforcement, redirection, and by setting clear limits that promote children's ability to become self-disciplined.
·        (3) Caregivers may use gentle, passive restraint with children only when it is needed to stop children from injuring themselves or others or from destroying property.
·        (4) Discipline measures shall not include any of the following:
·        (a) any form of corporal punishment such as hitting, spanking, shaking, biting, pinching, or any other measure that produces physical pain or discomfort;
·        (b) Restraining a child's movement by binding, tying, or any other form of restraint that exceeds that specified in Subsection (3) above.
·        (c) shouting at children;
·        (d) any form of emotional abuse;
·        (e) forcing or withholding of food, rest, or toileting; and,
         (f) confining a child in a closet, locked room or other enclosure such as a box, cupboard or cage.

Additional Policies-

1.  Time sheets will be processed and emailed out twice a month.  Payment is due by the 5th and 20th. A $1.00 late fee is added for each day a payment is late. 

2.  Please be on time picking up your kids. We have many kids coming at different hours and in an effort to keep the number of children at a safe and practical minimum, we need to keep to a schedule.

3.  In an effort to keep all the kids healthy, please do not bring your children if they are sick.  Fevers, diarrhea, and green runny noses are all signs of a sick child.

4.  We do spend time each day outside. Please keep that in mind as you dress and prepare your kids before coming.

5. Kind words are a must while at the kids club. Please stress the importance of kindness in our words and actions to your children. We want everyone to enjoy their time together at Mountain Green Kids Club. 

Employee Policies- 

Here are at Mountain Green Kids Club, we want to unsure you that your children are being well taken care of.
All of the staff at MGKC will: 

1. Pass a Criminal Background Check
2. Receive Training Specific to Child Care
3. Follow A Dress Code 
4. Refrain From Using Derogatory Terms and Cursing 
5. Be CPR and First Aid Certified. 

A Copy Of Utah's "Parent’s Guide to Licensed Child Care Centers" Can Be Viewed Here.